Eduka - FR 🇫🇷

Eduka is our platform for the administrative management of your child’s school life at Ecole Jeannine Manuel Paris (Suffren, Dupleix and Théâtre). The platform is available in French and English.

On this page, you will find information on how to connect and to navigate Eduka, and how to edit your child and family profile.

<aside> 💡 Eduka website of EJM Paris: School code: 553094


Login Details & Sign In

Getting your login details

Reset password

I want to switch language

Access to the Eduka EJM Paris Platform

Web browser


Android app

<aside> âť“ I cannot connect to the platform / I am looking for an information

The assistant of your child’s level / site is here to help you.


Site Primaire Suffren Madame Sharifi mailto:[email protected]
Site Primaire Dupleix Madame Guiraud mailto:[email protected]
Site Primaire Théâtre Madame N’Somi [email protected]
Classes de 6ème Madame Alloza mailto:[email protected]
Classes de 5ème & 4ème Madame SaugnĂ© mailto:[email protected]
Classes de 3ème & 2nde Madame Cherkaoui mailto:[email protected]
Classes de 2nde Internationales, 1ère et Ter IB Madame Williams mailto:[email protected]
Classes de 1ère et Terminale BFI Madame Crocco mailto:[email protected]

Re-enrollment 2024-2025

2024-2025 re-enrollment guide

2024-2025 new enrollments